Monday, May 18, 2009


It’s interesting. I grew up, granted I moved around to a lot of different cities, but they were almost all in the same state. All of one of them were in the same state. And yet I managed to turn out to be a person who doesn’t fit in, who is the exact type of person who must have immigrated in, who doesn’t fit in anywhere in the state, and who really shouldn’t live in the state in simple terms. I was raised in a family that was pretty conventional and expected to the state.
I guess this is just some kind of indicator that genetics have something to do with it. I’m adopted, and my parents fit in fine, always have. My sisters fit in fine, always have. My brothers fit in fine, always have. I’m the only one who seems to be extremely misplaced to say the least! Nobody here can decide where I should be from, because people here have really only ever lived here, and they didn’t really get a fair or right idea from visiting other states or other countries. I’m definitely not typical for my race or for that matter for my gender of that race.
But we know one thing for sure. I should be in a more liberal state and actually a more green state. That is something we’ve all agreed on at this point. My uncle from Oregon actually decided when I was just a kid that he could see me living in New York City. I guess I was more business minded or something back then. I don’t know exactly what it was. But he had that decided from the time I was about 5, which is funny. But he’s always been a pretty perceptive guy, so whatever. And as it turns out, apparently my body also wants me to move elsewhere, being that I live in an extremely dry state. Apparently I suffer from the skin type that basically develops weird little quirks and deformities living in a dryer area. You can use some pretty intensive lotions to keep it at bay. But the only way to really get rid of it is to live in a humid area.

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