Friday, June 26, 2009

When I saw that there was a listing of the world's healthiest countries, I was curious to see which ones they were. However, when I found out I was a little bit disturbed to say the least. I was relieved to find that I was not the only one feeling this way. But still. They say they ranked every country based on Forbes' access to drinking water and sanitation, infant mortality rates, etc. Oh, and by looking further, I also found the world's most overweight countries.

Anyway, on to why it irritates me. They named 15 of the so called healthiest countries. They are:
1. Iceland
2. Sweden
3. Finland
4. Germany
5. Switzerland
6. Australia
7. Denmark
8. Canada
9. Austria
10. Netherlands
11. United States
12. Israel
13. Czech Republic
14. Spain
15. France

Most obese or overweight countries and here as it was not done by forbes, you get 20
1. Nauru
2. Federated States of Micronesia
3. Cook Islands
4. Tonga
5. Niue
6. Samoa
7. Palau
8. Kuwait
9. United States
10. Kiribati
11. Dominica
12. Barbados
13. Argentina
14. Egypt
15. Malta
16. Greece
17. New Zealand
18. United Arab Emirates
19. Mexico
20. Trinidad and Tobago

I realize these polls were conducted by two different associations. But at the same point in time, doesn't it seem contradictory that the United States would make both lists? And also, while I wouldn't expect to see Asians in the groupings of overweight countries, it seems that when Forbes conducted their so called research, they only studied the Western half of the world. Maybe they should have stated that when they created the listing. I mean yes, I would love to say Korea should be #1, but I know it's not entirely true with all factors included. But if you look at the life expectancy in countries like Korea, you look at the social health programs they have in countries like Japan, and you look at the prevalence of greater education in general, which includes doctors and others. If you just look at the general eating habits and weight trends among other things, certain Asian countries should be on that list! But if you notice, it's rather convenient where all the countries lie. I mean, they claim the czech republic is up there and there are no really Asian countries included. I'm not asking them to say that Vietnam is it or anything, just to actually give an unbiased evaluation that includes the real facts!

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