Friday, June 26, 2009

When I saw that there was a listing of the world's healthiest countries, I was curious to see which ones they were. However, when I found out I was a little bit disturbed to say the least. I was relieved to find that I was not the only one feeling this way. But still. They say they ranked every country based on Forbes' access to drinking water and sanitation, infant mortality rates, etc. Oh, and by looking further, I also found the world's most overweight countries.

Anyway, on to why it irritates me. They named 15 of the so called healthiest countries. They are:
1. Iceland
2. Sweden
3. Finland
4. Germany
5. Switzerland
6. Australia
7. Denmark
8. Canada
9. Austria
10. Netherlands
11. United States
12. Israel
13. Czech Republic
14. Spain
15. France

Most obese or overweight countries and here as it was not done by forbes, you get 20
1. Nauru
2. Federated States of Micronesia
3. Cook Islands
4. Tonga
5. Niue
6. Samoa
7. Palau
8. Kuwait
9. United States
10. Kiribati
11. Dominica
12. Barbados
13. Argentina
14. Egypt
15. Malta
16. Greece
17. New Zealand
18. United Arab Emirates
19. Mexico
20. Trinidad and Tobago

I realize these polls were conducted by two different associations. But at the same point in time, doesn't it seem contradictory that the United States would make both lists? And also, while I wouldn't expect to see Asians in the groupings of overweight countries, it seems that when Forbes conducted their so called research, they only studied the Western half of the world. Maybe they should have stated that when they created the listing. I mean yes, I would love to say Korea should be #1, but I know it's not entirely true with all factors included. But if you look at the life expectancy in countries like Korea, you look at the social health programs they have in countries like Japan, and you look at the prevalence of greater education in general, which includes doctors and others. If you just look at the general eating habits and weight trends among other things, certain Asian countries should be on that list! But if you notice, it's rather convenient where all the countries lie. I mean, they claim the czech republic is up there and there are no really Asian countries included. I'm not asking them to say that Vietnam is it or anything, just to actually give an unbiased evaluation that includes the real facts!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I Do Not Forgive You, But I Will Forget

I want you to know that while I do not forgive you, because forgiving would imply that what you did was somehow acceptable, somehow okay, somehow not as hurtful as it is. I will forget you. I will forget about you entirely. I do not forgive you for forgetting me, I do not forgive you for letting me get lost in your world that was taken up entirely by other things, all of which were apparently more important. I don't forgive you for telling me that I can't be trusted because I said one thing I wasn't supposed to when I was 5. I don't forgive you for assuming that I will mess up every major deal because I didn't look into things with a phone bill when I was 18. I don't forgive you for assuming I was too stupid to get into a state college. I don't forgive you for forcing me to stay in the same high school when I asked you not once, but repeatedly, to transfer me out, because there was a high suicide rate, I had no friends going there, and I knew everything that was coming. I do not forgive you for conveniently forgetting about all the things that happened to me because you were unwilling to budge. I do not forgive you for never admitting when you were wrong. I do not forgive you for always seeing everybody else as better than me and more of a priority than me, and I do not forgive you for letting me fall between the cracks every time and choosing anybody else, even somebody you didn't even know when there was a choice. I do not forgive you for always taking the other side. I do not forgive you for fucking up my life and then taking no blame assuming it must have been anyone but you. But I will forget you. I will walk away, and I will never think about you ever again, I will never give you credit, I will never again blame you because you will not be a part of my life ever again, because otherwise, I don't think I can stand it and I don't think I will make it out alive.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A $4000 Tip

Now I really wish I had served Johnny Depp back when I was a waitress. I worked at a cheap Chinese restaurant granted. But I gave every customer the same great quality of service, catering to each customer's needs, whether I knew they were going to give me a good tip or thought that they were the type to say how great you were and then leave you shit for tips. But Depp left some lucky waiter a $4,000 tip! I mean I'm sure it meant nothing to him, he just felt the inclination to drop it that day. But holy crap! I guess he went in at 11:30 and they didn't leave till 2:30. The tip was $4400, so 20% would be $880, still a sizable tip, but standard for any amount, 20%. But wow, $4000! Honestly, that would be a good celebrity experience. I just hope for the waiter he wasn't a jerk before he gave that tip.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Johnny Depp

I'll be honest. I loved it when Johnny Depp decided to play in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In fact, I've loved a great number of his roles for varying reasons. And now he is playing a part in Alice In Wonderland. He is the Mad Hatter. He has played some crazy roles to be sure, and this is one of them. In the picture they have now shown, I definitely don't necessarily recognize him. But I am thrilled and I will definitely be one of the first out to see that movie! Still, my favorite movie of his remains Blow.

Monday, June 22, 2009

ADD and just not paying attention

I understand that certain disorders like ADD are frustrating for the individual suffering from them. Not with ADD in particular, but in general I understand from experience. But sometimes, it's a matter of sucking it up and doing something about it, and it honestly annoys me when people make no effort at all to do that.
My roommate is the particular one that annoys me right now. I mean she's nice and all. But she says she suffers from ADD. I've known people with ADD. when it's real light, they learn to actively discipline themselves and may never know they actually have it. When it's in the middle, they generally know, but again take extra steps to discipline themselves. When it's really severe, there are medications. Every time I talk to her, I have to repeat myself at least 5 times, and I'm actually not exaggerating is the sad part. And even after repeating myself at least 5 times, usually more, she still doesn't have it. And half the time, she starts saying what what I don't get it after the first 2 words. So that tells me that it's not ADD, she just doesn't listen. She does this to everyone yes, but it's annoying. And while I have extra patience for this kind of complication, I honestly don't think she has it, I think she just doesn't take the time to listen and pay attention.
Frankly, if it is that bad, you deal with it and take something and go to therapy or something to learn more about greater habits. But she refuses to take medication. So realistically, I have reason to be annoyed. It's one thing if you are trying to help yourself and it's taking time. Oh, and then she's literally going bankrupt and she says well there's nothing more I can do. But she works only part time, and then she's always out buying coffee at starbucks, buying her friends things, etc. So it's like yes, there is something you can do. I've tried to explain to her the concept of writing everything down, and it just doesn't stick.
And the other day, I specifically stopped her, told her to listen, because I was a little bit irked that for the umpteenth time, she called me to say well you want to go to coffee later, and then she never called back. She said oh well it was last minute and then I knew you wouldn't get there on time and then we'd be leaving. So I said well is there a reason that you couldn't text me when somebody texts you? And then she went into how she was so busy and she couldn't. It takes 2 seconds to text and say we're going. But she got into a rant about well I will just invite you next time. That was when I told her to stop and listen, because it's not about going to coffee. I was simply asking that she not call and ask me in advance, because every time it seems that she forgets later when it's time to actually go, so instead call me when they are actually going or if she forgets then it makes no difference. But she was so stuck in the idea that even after I told her to specifically listen, which you would think would suggest that somebody should listen for 2 seconds and actually concentrate if they have a hard time and actually try to process it, she literally did not process a single word of it. So I am a little bit annoyed right now.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Drawing A Line Between Your Spouse And Your Work

They say that your spouse cannot testify against you, that's obvious. But if you are in any given field and happen to disclose certain types of sensitive information to your spouse, it could still land you in the hot pot. In particular, one Sandra Fernandez married a defense lawyer. she worked in the Brooklyn District Attorney's office as a prosecutor, and on several occasions over a few months, she went in and requested confidential criminal history checks on various people she claimed to be investigating for assault. But she was actually requesting those for her then boyfriend, the defense attorney who is now her husband. she essentially illegally accessed these files, and he effectively used them to win quite a few of his cases. She was of course busted, disbarred, and underwent 5 years probation. Ah the stupid things we do for love.

If you were in the same company, sharing sensitive information while your spouse was not supposed to know that particular detail, you could easily be fired. if you are a therapist sharing details of your clients' sessions with your spouse, they could sue you. Actually, I've known some therapists who obviously did, their spouses made it obvious and even in some ways disclosed those stories they had only told their therapist, and as far as I'm concerned, they should have been sued and lost their licenses among various other things. In those cases, some of the spouses were house moms or dads, and in most cases their career choice had no connection, but they obviously didn't know how to keep their mouths shut. it's one thing to tell your spouse details with no names or indications of who it is about. it's quite another to bluntly disclose confidential information to your spouse or anyone else, whether they happen to have a big mouth or not.

Still in terms of related careers, it sometimes surprises me the people that come together. For example Mary Matlin Republican and James Carville Democrat, both highly influential in their worlds. But apparently, they fell in love, and Matalin has pointed out the true point of "Just because he thinks wrongly doesn't mean he's not smart." Now it would be great if they could agree that the other might be right, but that's better than most could do or would do.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Asian Eye Test

Now I hope I got the image up right. But just incase I didn't, and there's a fair chance of that, the link where I found this is

But anyway, hopefully it's up there. But when I first saw this sucker, I saw a title, so yes, I did have my angry assumption moment being an Asian myself of what are they talking about the "Asian Eye Test" and pull back your eyes like an Asian if you can't see it. Stupid right? Not so stupid. I didn't see it at first. I just thought it was weird. But I thought I'd give this "Asian eye test" a try. You would think that I would have seen it with my eyes as it is. But apparently, they're too big or something. Mine are on the bigger side, but still. Anyway, I only had to do a little bit of pulling, like putting my fingers at each end and applying a bit of pressure little bit of pulling. It actually works that way. So I guess I'm entertained.