Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Asian Eye Test

Now I hope I got the image up right. But just incase I didn't, and there's a fair chance of that, the link where I found this is

But anyway, hopefully it's up there. But when I first saw this sucker, I saw a title, so yes, I did have my angry assumption moment being an Asian myself of what are they talking about the "Asian Eye Test" and pull back your eyes like an Asian if you can't see it. Stupid right? Not so stupid. I didn't see it at first. I just thought it was weird. But I thought I'd give this "Asian eye test" a try. You would think that I would have seen it with my eyes as it is. But apparently, they're too big or something. Mine are on the bigger side, but still. Anyway, I only had to do a little bit of pulling, like putting my fingers at each end and applying a bit of pressure little bit of pulling. It actually works that way. So I guess I'm entertained.

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