Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Prefer The Company Of Men

The question gets asked, would you feel comfortable having a doctor of the opposite sex examine you. I think I thought about that one for about two milliseconds before deciding, as long as he’s hot. I’m being completely serious here. As long as he is hot, I am perfectly fine with that, because what can I say, I don’t particularly mind it. If it’s another girl, it’s just weird. Guys always have to ask. But it’s just weird. I mean I’m cool if men have to ask before sticking the whatever it’s called up the back of your shirt or whatnot. And frankly, I’m not going to say no, even if he’s not hot, because it’s purely medical stuff. I really only go into the doctor when it’s that bad. Otherwise, I completely avoid him. And I’ve been into the plasma centers a few times. But really, a guy would have to be pretty hot to keep me coming back for self torture of getting needles stuck in me needlessly. The money is not that good, it is when you’re desperate, but it’s not that good that I would unnecessarily put myself through that.
And I do know this from experience. Unfortunately for those who would hope it was just speculation on my part, no. I get some kind of factor out of it when he’s hot. It’s always weird when it’s a girl whether it’s at the plasma place or at the doctor’s office. I don’t know, it’s just weird. This could stem from the fact that I’m more comfortable with men in general. Around girls in general terms, I just feel awkward. They’re generally not as laid back, there’s always some kind of drama, some are too prissy to get down and dirty and play the sport. Girls tend to go behind your back. So I would rather spend my time with guys, and I guess it shows. Sad right? Not really for me. I don’t particularly mind it, and frankly, I quite prefer it in some cases.
In some ways, were I to turn my back to another girl, I might be more afraid of something happening than if it were a guy. I say this, because when guys have a problem with you, in general terms of course, they tend to be more direct than girls about it. So it goes from the figurative to the literal for me.

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