Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Asian Cartoons?

it's great that they are trying to bring multicultural cartoons to the TV for little kids. But honestly, sometimes I think that it would be better if there were just little white kid cartoons. I don't really think that. But honestly, the cartoons use so many stereotypes and everything, they're like the "family" TV shows of the 50's or maybe it was the 80's that had supposedly multi cultural or non white families as the main characters. They're ridiculous! I mean there's one with shaolin monk or something. I don't know. But the characters are retarded. And there's also a one about cats with owners who happen to be Asian. They have them dressed up in traditional clothing that isn't actually that accurate. Are we as Asians not allowed to exist in modern day in cartoons or something? And are we not allowed to have characters that don't make constant asses of themselves? It's just a thought. But if they did that to white people, it would never stand. But when they do it to us, nobody does anything.

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